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Evergreen Bushes

Compact Boxwood Bush Green Gem Buxus

Boxwood (BUXUS X ‘GREEN GEM’) - 'Green Gem'

Known for its dwarf, dense, globe shape, 'Green Gem' has glossy, dark green leaves that hold their color well even during winter months. This woody, broadleaf evergreen shrub is more resistant to winter burn than other cultivars. Its compact size makes it excellent in tight spaces, along narrow pathways,as a low hedge, or beside a patio. Noted for its dwarf, dense shape and winter hardiness, 'Green Gem' is rabbit and deer resistant and provides yearlong interest.

Cold Hardy Tall Boxwood Bush Green Mountain Buxus


Lustrous, bright green foliage drapes 'Green Mountain's rounded, upright, conical shape year-round! This vigorous shrub retains good evergreen color throughout winter and is an excellent candidate for topiary forms as it is nicely sculpted by shearing into a hedge or free-form shape. It also makes a striking container, formal garden accent, or specimen in mass plantings. ‘Green Mountain’ is cold-hardy and often referred to as being in the “Green Series” of boxwood. It will bronze slightly in winter especially when exposed to direct sunlight but bronzing will quickly fade as new spring foliage begins to emerge. Deer resistant.

Compact Boxwood Bush Green Velvet Buxus


Compact and bushy, 'Green Velvet' is a hybrid that combines the hardiness and compact nature of the Korean Boxwood with the velvety, deep green foliage of the English Boxwood. The lovely green foliage remains throughout the year with good resistance to winter bronzing. Planted along a lawn or walkway, this can be used as an accent, border, hedge, or foundation planting. Although delightful as a rounded form left alone, 'Green Velvet' can be pruned and shaped into a formal hedge or topiary, but only when it is in dormancy during winter months.

Low Spreading Mugo Pine Pumilio

Pine, Mountain (PINUS MUGO) - 'Pumilio'

Hardy evergreen shrub with short, dark green needles and a compact, dense, spreading habit of upright branches. Adorned with small, dark brown cones and unique 'candles' of new growth. Grown mostly for its beautiful foliage and low, open, spreading habit. This slow-growing, naturally dwarf version of Mugo Pine is hardy and adds color, lower level of height, and texture to landscapes. Relatively low maintenance, but can be pruned as needed. Drought tolerant.

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